Kevin Costello and Deborah Mains attended the Garden State Equality Advocacy group's 'Transgender Remembrance Day,' when trans people murdered simply for who they were are remembered, their names read during a candlelight vigil. Kevin Costello also addressed the gathering to discuss Discrimination claims currently in progress at the firm which advocate for the rights of trans people.
"All children are born without hate in their hearts," Kevin told the crowd. "Hate has to be learned." Kevin spoke about the firm's commitment to the civil rights of all people, including members of the GLBT community.
"Often," Kevin told said during a NEWS 12 interview at the event, "GLBT people are considered to be the last underclass that it's ok to publicly bash. In that group, trans people are seen as the least of the least. That has to change. People have to learn to look into a heart of a human being and judge him or her on the merits, not on their religion, culture, ethnicity or gender... or gender identity or expression."